BCCF Athletes Complete Wellness Challenge

BCCF had 25 people sign up for the 30 day Wellness Challenge but only 15 pushed through and completed it. 1st & 2nd place prizes for both male and female divisions were provided. Results were extrememly close. Athletes replaced fat with muslce, learned healthy eating & exercise habits, & saw an improvement in their overall fitness/health. Everyone put in a LOT of hardwork and I want to give a shout out to everyone. BCCF is proud of all of you!!!

Aimee Ventura

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Aimee’s body summation toal decreased by over 10 points, she lost 3 inches, & her CrossFit Total improved by 20lbs & reps of burpees in 7min by 10 reps.

Brooke Forner

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Brooke’s body summation toatl decreased by 41 points, she lost 5inches, & her CrossFit Total improved by over 60lbs & reps of burpees in 7min by 13 reps.

Misty “Chicken” Harrington

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Chicken’s body summation total decreased by 26 points, she lost 5 inches, and her CrossFit total improved by 40lbs & reps of burpees in 7min by 3 reps.

Cindy Castillo


Cindy’s body summation total decreased by 16 points, she lost 2 inches, and her CrossFit Total increased by 20lbs.

Misty Gouge



Gouge’s body summation total decreased by 13 points, she lost 2-3 inches, and her CrossFit Total improved by 30lbs & reps of burpees in 7min by 13 reps.

Shirley Rodgers


Shirley’s body summation total decreased by 15 points, she lost over 5 inches, & her reps of burpees in 7min increased by 17 reps!

Amanda Womack


Amanda’s body summation total decreased by 60 points, she lost 3-4 inches, and her CrossFit Total increased by 50lbs & reps of burpees by 6.

Monica Mendoza


Monica’s body summation total decreased by 25 points, she lost 3 inches, and her CrossFit total improved by 5lbs.

Travis Beddingfield


Travis’ body summation score decreased by 14 points, he lost over 5 inches, & his CrossFit Total improved by 40lbs & reps of burpees by 10 reps.

Luis ‘LV” Ventura

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LV’s body summation score decreased 11 points, he lost over 5 inches, & his CrossFit Total improved by 35lbs & reps of burpess in 7min increased by 2 reps.

Proud of all of you for your drive & determination to become the best you possible!!! Don’t stop. Keep going!!!!