Buffalo Creek CrossFit – CrossFit


A.: Deadlift (Find a heavy 3RM )

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)

Both partners must do run together and cannot start reps until both are back from run. Score points with reps performed after the run is complete in each 3 minute time block. Use points instead of reps. Continuously running clock.

Run 200m

KB Swings 53/35 =1 point ea.

Minute 3 – Run 200m

Sit-ups = .5 point ea.

Minute 6 – Run 200m

Squat Cleans 135/95 = 3 points ea.

Minute 9 – Run 200m

Push-ups = .5 point ea.

Minute 12 – Run 200m

Wallball 20/14 10′ target = 1 point ea.

Minute 15 – Run 200m

Pull-ups = .5 point ea.