BCCF Athlete Highlight: Aimee Ventura

We will be highlighting our athletes on a regular basis. We hope you enjoy our new feature and getting to know your fellow CrossFitters better!

Aimee Ventura

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How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I started CrossFit a year ago & was part of Kelly’s Women Only CrossFit class.

Have you you always been into fitness? If so, what sports did you play, events you have done, or routines you’ve tried.

I have always loved soccer & currently still play. I did start running long distance when I turned 40, I have run 2 marathons, run 3 half marathons, completed a few triathlons, & a  half-ironman in 2014.

What is your biggest CrossFit accomplishment?

My biggest accomplishment was making the finals in my first RX competition & seeing how strong I have become over the last year.

What is your biggest CrossFit goal?

I want to become a true RX CrossFit athlete…….to be able to do chest to bars & muscle ups with ease, & to become even stronger.

What is your favorite past time?

I am a die hard Dallas Cowboys fan. I LOVE watching football.

What is your favorite cheat meal?

Homemade cheese enchiladas, tacos, & rice

What would you tell someone who is scared of CrossFit because they are out of shape or intimidated of lifting weights?

Dont be. You will get into the best shape of your life and You will realize what your body is capable of. I am accomplishing so much more than I ever thought possible. However, one of the main reasons  is the support of the people who you work out with. It is the community. BCCF is one big family and I have made so many wonderful friends throughout this CrossFit Adventure, not just from BCCF but other boxes as well. Don’t be scared to workout with people who you think are better athletes than you, because they will be the first ones there to congratulate you on every one of your milestones.  Everyone supports each other.

Is there anything else you would like to share?

Do a competition! They have categories for every level, novice to RX. You have complete strangers yelling and cheering you on. At my first RX Competition, I made the top 5 & qualified for the final WOD, I knew I was competing against some tough athletes. They all finished way before me and I was the last one to finish the WOD. However, I had the 4 athletes who already finished the WOD all around me, cheering me on to complete the WOD, & then congratulating me. I’m the one who came in last! It is like that at every comp, you will feel like a badass when you are done whether you place or not!! There is truly nothing like that experience…


Aimee has made several improvements over this last year.  She has leaned out more than ever while gaining strength. Check out Aimee’s Progress below:

Deadlift– from 200lbs to 330lbs

Back squat– from 185lbs to 275 lbs

Front squat– from 165lbs to 210lbs

Clean– from 95 lbs to 170 lbs

Push Press– from 100lbs to 160lbs