BCCF Athlete Highlight: Jason Bruno


Have you always been into sports? If so, what did you play, events you have done, fitness routines you have tried.

LOVE sports! Football is my season. I did little league baseball, but love football in Jr. High and High School. Not a star athlete, but I loved our team.

I feel like I’ve tried almost everything…gyms, at home workouts, phone apps, you name it. Now…I am doing Crossfit.

Biggest CF accomplishment?

Not throwing up yet. Seriously, the accomplishment for me is doing the workouts and feeling like I just did something real. My regular gyms sessions were stale and boring…thankful I found BCCF!

 CF goal for the future?

Unassisted strict pull-ups is my goal. Haven’t hit my first one yet; but it’s there.

 Favorite past time?

I love hanging with friends and family. One reason I love BCCF so much is I’ve made friends and this place feels like a family.

 Favorite cheat meal?

Oh boy…food is my kryptonite. I’m sure no one knows what that feels like. Pizza and the like from Zoli’s NY Pizza Tavern in the Bishop Arts

 What would I tell someone who is scared to try CrossFit?

I’d say, I know how you feel. I was very cautious in seeking out info and then attending the BCCF On Ramp Class.

What I found out for myself is the folks at BCCF are real people, not snobby elitists (that was what I thought about CF before). They care for your safety and wellbeing.

Josh, Kelly and Dan are SO good at modifying workouts to meet you where you are and help you build/improve from there.  I can’t speak for other CF boxes, so you just need to come check out this place and experience the people.

I’ve never been made to feel anything but empowered by the encouragement that the owners/trainers and the other CF’ers give to me and each other. It may be a cliché, but if I can do this…so can you.

 Final thoughts… I LOVE CF with these people. I don’t know if I’d love it somewhere else, but I LOVE it at BCCF! There is no shame in trying…so come in and give it a real chance. It’s about progress, NOT perfection!!
