Athlete Highlight: Cynthia Streicher

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Have you always been into sports? If so, what did you play, events you have done, fitness routines you have tried.

LOVE sports! I played high school and college volleyball.  I enjoy watching football and especially baseball.

Before CrossFit, I did not have a real fitness routine. If I made it to the gym at least 2-3 times a week, that was a good week for me. I joined gyms and found myself just running on the treadmill and looking at the weights (had no idea what to do) before I got bored and just left, I did a bootcamp class here or there and worked out at home. Thank goodness for BCCF! It took my fitness routine to a whole new level.


Biggest CF accomplishment?

I have exceeded so many of my personal fitness goals/expectations since I’ve joined. Placing 2nd at my first comp has been my biggest accomplishment so far. When I signed up at BCCF I had no intention of EVER doing a comp because I was just here to ‘get in shape’…. now I can’t wait to do another one.


CF goal for the future?

Perfecting my double unders is my goal.


Favorite past time?

Spending time with family and friends. Whether we’re working-out, sitting by a campfire, watching football, I just enjoy being with people I love.


Favorite cheat meal?

 I LOVE a good ol’ burger and fries!!


What would I tell someone who is scared to try CrossFit?

I would tell them I know exactly what they were thinking- it’s intimidating, I would never be able to do a pull-up, I’m going to get injured, I don’t speak their lingo. I’ve tried other Crossfit gyms and for many reasons, it just reinforced the fact that Crossfit wasn’t for me. After being talked into giving it another go, I found BCCF. I loved the fact that there was an On Ramp Class were the coaches took the time to show you proper technique and educate you on what Crossfit is. The coaches here are genuine and really want to make you the best you possible. I would absolutely encourage them to try this box or if not one that took the time to teach skill and technique, before just throwing them into the lions den. If there is no “on ramp style” class before, then try another box. I really do believe that you have to find the right box for you, and I have definitely found that here at BCCF!

Josh, Kelly and Dan are SO good at modifying workouts to meet you where you are and help you build/improve from there. I can’t speak for other CF boxes, so you just need to come check out this place and experience the people.

I’ve never been made to feel anything but empowered by the encouragement that the owners/trainers and the other CF’ers give to me and each other. It may be a cliché, but if I can do this…so can you.

Final thoughts… I LOVE CF with these people.  There is no shame in trying…so come in and give it a real chance. It’s about progress, NOT perfection!!
