BCCF Wellness Challenge Winners Announced!!


BCCF’s Wellness Challenge lasted 6 weeks. Athletes were given guidance on how to eat for health and athletic performance and were provided with daily strength & metabolic conditioning. The results were AMAZING!!!14 athletes finished the challenge and together, they lost a total of 77 inches!! Everyone also saw improvement in their fitness/health and were able to make some lifelong health changes.

The athletes did not go on a STRICT diet. The were taught how to eat mostly nutrient dense foods, limit food intake, meal prep regularly, fuel for activity, and how to make room for those unhealthy foods we still like to eat every now and then. All of these athletes not only put in some hard work in the kitchen but also in the gym. Everyone did an outstanding job with the challenge. Proud of everyone!

Male Winners:

1st – Jathaniel Pettit


2nd – Steve Reyes



Female Winners:

1st – Heather Ivey


2nd – Misty Gouge & Cindy Castillo

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