Nutrition TidBit Tuesday: Thanksgiving Survival Tips


Tis the season! It’s that time of year again when we typically bust out our Thanksgiving pants and get to work. There are plenty of opportunities to fall off the wagon and give in to the baked goods, sugar, alcohol, dinner rolls, pies, you name it! It can be difficult to navigate through holiday feasts. However, we don’t need to fall off the wagon and rely on New Years resolutions to get us back on track. Here are some tips that can help you survive Thanksgiving and the holidays and avoid that feeling of being bloated, tired, and guilty. Surviving thanksgiving is all about setting yourself up for success!

Eat normally throughout the day
Starving yourself before the big dinner is a recipe for disaster, plus you’ll be suffering from “hangry” syndrome anyways, and your friends and family probably won’t like that. This won’t guarantee that you will over eat but it will hopefully reduce your chances of stuffing yourself silly.



The buffet trick
Pick a smaller plate. The bigger the plate, the more food on it.


Meat and veggies first
On your first trip try and go for the protein and veggies. Pick the colorful veggies to help fill you up. Here is a good paleo guide to what to eat on Thanksgiving:

Seconds anyone?
After your first go around give yourself a solid 10-15 min before you go back for more. Listen to your stomach, are you full? This is how we avoid that “food coma” at the end of the night. If you end up going back for seconds, keep it small portions and eat slowly.



Now if you have really good self-control, you might be able to pass on this. The majority of us…probably not. So choose ONE indulgence and enjoy yourself. If pumpkin pie is your thing and your grandma makes the BEST EVER, have a slice, and enjoy every bite. After all, if your reading this, you likely have been working your butt off in the gym.

Check out the following websites for some healthy options! Happy Thanksgiving!!!! 

How to Have a Real Food Thanksgiving! – 100 Days of Real Food

Click here to find out!



Following a Paleo/Gluten Free Lifestyle? Check out these tasty Thanksgiving recipes here!
