BCCF’s Top Picks: Businesses that Deliver Quality Food to Your Doorstep!!!


Because I am sharing with you information regarding eating quality food, I wanted to provide you with two business resources that I recommend & that will come in handy…..especially for those of you who live busy lives and do not have time to go to the grocery store and/or cook. Stay away from the FAST FOOD CHAINS!! Choose these guys instead!


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  • Paleo Provision – Brooke creates individual meals for the busy, health conscience or fitness guru using the best quality local ingredients. All meals are made with non-processed real food. Orders are made each week when the new menu is created, Brooke cooks the meal & it will be delivered ready-to-eat the following week. Check her out!
  • Field to Meal – Field to Meal (Amy and Sam) have created a broad range of meals for you to prepare quickly and easily at home for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They do all the shopping for you and use only the best quality ingredients as well. Once you order, you can either pick up your groceries or they can be delivered to your home. The groceries come with the easy to make recipe & dinner can be ready to serve in less than 30-60min!

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