Real Food Lifestyle: Support & Accountability Group


There’s no getting around it: The road to changing your eating habits & lifestyle for good can be a bumpy one. Your poor eating behaviors did not happen over night. It is going to take time and work. But much like life’s other journeys, the going can be smoother when you have someone to share the trip with.

Most people put all their effort into finding the right diet or exercise program but do not put enough energy into creating a support and accountability system, and too often, that is where the problem lies.

Statistics show that changing eating behaviors can take anywhere from 6-12 months depending on the individual. The majority of individuals who start a “diet” usually revert to their old ways once they are on their own. For those of you needing that extra push and support, BCCF’s Dietitian, Kelly, has developed a year long accountability program for that very reason. Kelly will teach you everything you need to know about nutrition in order to make a healthy lifestyle change a success. Let’s stop the yo-yo dieting and change your life forever! Learn to make food simple, easy, and balanced! Most of all, learn how to eat to live and not live to eat! Transform your relationship with food!

Program includes:

  • Monthly Meetings led by Kelly Rozier, BCCF’s Sports Dietitian
  • Monthly measurements (by request)
  • Access to Private Facebook community page full of on-going advice, discussions, recipes, meal plans, support, etc.

Topics discussed at Monthly Meetings include:

  • Nutrition 101: Macro Nutrients & their Role
  • Macro Nutrient Timing w/ Rest & Exercise
  • Diet Myths: What is scientifically true!
  • Pantry Re-do / Grocery shopping & Label Reading: What really matters
  • Meal Planning & Prepping: The Key to Success; Leave with a Meal Plan!
  • Burn Fat, Build Muscle w/Protein: Cooking Meat 101
  • Emotional / Stress Eating: Being a more Mindful eater
  • Guide to cooking Vegetables: Learn to love them!
  • Freezable Crock pot meals: Make Dinner Easy; Leave w/Meals for the week!
  • Mason Jar Salad Workshop
  • Make your own Salad Dressings & Sauces: Simple and Easy and Healthy!
  • Fat Adaptation: Final stages
  • Transform you Relationship with Food: 8 strategies that will help you heal
  • Surviving the Holidays: How to avoid weight gain
  • Eating for Immunity & Inflammation

Here’s what you can expect from the meetings:

  • “Cash-in” – opportunity for group members to share one thing they have done over the past month that has proven to be successful so that others could apply to their life as well.
  • Kelly will discuss each monthly topic in detail
  • Q & A about progress, successes, and any open discussions for the group.
  • Measurements taken upon request

When: May 2016 – April 2017

Monthly Meetings: First Wednesday of each month (unless notified otherwise)

First Meeting is May 4th at 6:30 pm at BCCF

Cost: $35 per month or $315 one-time fee (25% off)

Contact: Kelly at [email protected] to sign up. Space is limited.