Nutrition: Thanksgiving. Thursday. Thrilled!

Thanksgiving. Thursday. Thrilled!



Ah, Thanksgiving. The epitome of binge eating holidays, and the outset of a downward spiral into hibernation and indulging in winter festivities. But why is it that our focus has shifted to voluntarily eating ourselves sick, then proceeding to face guilt and regret just to do it all over again the next holiday? It seems this is implied as the norm, because that’s just what you do on Thanksgiving. Well guys and gals, I’m here to tell you that it does not have to be this way. Food impacts our lives in so many ways, and for many of us, it serves as a bonding experience. There is just something about sharing a hot meal with friends and family, conversing to catch up, and generally enjoying one another’s company.

First, find time in the day to be active! Be thankful for a body that allows you move. Especially if you make it a point through the obstacles of every other Thursday, why should this be an exception? It is so important to stay true to yourself and your commitments. This will also help with digestion instead of falling into a food coma for the entire day. Plus, you will feel less guilty about that pecan pie if you’ve completed a good workout. Buffalo Creek CrossFit will be having a WOD on Thanksgiving morning, so jump in on that! I will be running the 8 mile YMCA Turkey Trot in Downtown Dallas with my boyfriend. It was a tradition my mom started back in 2011, and we continued to do through 2013 before she started to host two Thanksgivings (but she still does something active close to home). I just love the idea of the Dallas community coming together to help others in need across North Texas (plus fun runs, duh). Start a tradition with your friends or family to do a fun run, or just play a game of backyard football in between sitting on the couch while  yelling at the athletes on TV…


Second, prepare in advance! Do not go into the day thoughtless. Have at least a light breakfast and lunch instead of starving yourself until dinner. This will just cause you to ultimately overeat. If you are in charge of the cooking, search for some healthier alternatives. My aunt will usually bring fruit and vegetable platters that make for great appetizers. My grandma substitutes equal portions of applesauce for butter in her desserts (and her zucchini bread is off the chain, peeps). Try non-fat milk or greek yogurt in your mashed potatoes instead of whole milk or butter. Turkey is a great source of protein, and there are so many yummy fall vegetables in season that we get to have! YAY! Also, plan about how many glasses of wine you’ll be needing to tolerate the in-laws (only semi-kidding).

Third, don’t be afraid to indulge! A good rule of thumb here is to remember to indulge in moderation (confusing I know). I understand this is a special occasion, everyone is eating, drinking, and enjoying every minute of it, but my indulging doesn’t always look like everyone else’s. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, “That’s all you’re eating?” or “Clarissa’s not eating that because she’s super healthy and stuff” or “Yeah, Clarissa can eat whatever she wants because she does CrossFit”. Full transparency here: as you can see from the picture above, although this wasn’t my heaviest and I wasn’t obese, I do have to work at keeping myself in shape. About 95% of the time I just laugh and refrain from explaining myself; mostly because I don’t need to and partly because people won’t get it anyways. Normal portions still apply to me, and if I want more, there are usually left overs. I know my go-to desserts that I absolutely love, and those that really aren’t my favorite that I can live without (no to banana pudding and yes to black coffee, cookies, and grandma’s zucchini bread *drooling*).

Overall, take in the moment and remember that this is a time to be enjoyed with your family. Remember that you are practicing this lifestyle because you want to be around to enjoy your family for many Thanksgivings to come, in a body you are comfortable in. Who knows, maybe you can serve as a positive influence on your family’s health like my beautiful mother (pictured here)!

–Clarissa Espinoza

BC Nutrition Coach


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