Grocery Shopping – Lunch

Grocery Shopping – Lunch

It’s the week post-Thanksgiving, and everyone is getting back to their normal schedules…sort of. If you’re anything like me, I tend to mentally check out during this three week tease of it almost being Christmas, and then New Years! It’s also easy to check out of our health driven mindsets when there are constant holiday parties at work, donuts in the break room, or someone decides to order pizza for the office. Remember; all things in moderation, and if you can, plan ahead for that holiday party, fit that pizza in your macros, or bring your own lunch! Here are a few things I like to buy and create a few lunch combos with.

The typical lunch item is the all-mighty sandwich. Whether it’s a classic PB&J, or ham & cheese, sandwiches are a staple lunch menu item. There are so many different combinations that can fit between two slices of bread creating various magical flavors in your mouth all at once! For my base, I usually start with these thin rounds from HEB. They provide whole grains (which is not the same as whole wheat by the way) with little cost! They also provide a decent amount of fiber,

which I like to look for in my grains. As for the inside; you could go for the classic deli turkey and cheese, maybe throw some avocado and spinach to spice things up, or try a vegetarian sandwich with hummus, feta cheese, and cucumber. If you’re a pescatarian, or just like to get your essential omega-3 fatty acids in, try a tuna sandwich. It is so cheap, packed with protein, and quick to prepare. One can of this Light Tuna will get you 26g of protein with hardly any fat, and zero carbs for 68 cents (this is what I lived on in college people). You want to be sure to get the tuna in water, because there are no added oils, and this helps to retain the omega-3 magic. I also avoid Albacore Tuna because it does contain higher quantities of mercury, which is poisonous to humans and I’m a human, so there’s that. I prefer mine with HEB sharp cheddar cheese you can usually find at 2/$5.

Next is the dreaded salad. Salads get no love. For some reason people always assume if you brought a salad for lunch, that you are trying some new super healthy diet. NEWSFLASH: Salads are awesome. A bed of leafy greens (packed with iron, calcium, vitamin A and more) served with your choice of protein, and then just pile on the veggies! Here you can see the name brand Dole 10oz. is $1 more than the Organic Central Market 16oz. Now the dressings are where it gets dangerous. I like to use lemons or avocado on mine when it’s dry, but sometimes I will eat it plain. I understand people like their ranch, but try opting for a low calorie dressing, a vinaigrette, or try making your own! For toppings try a taco salad with seasoned ground turkey, avocado, and these black beans that are high in fiber, and will help up your carbs. Pair with a side of fruit and you’re good to go! If you’re not a salad person these also do well in quesadilla form sautéed with bell peppers, onions, add chicken, with HEB’s 100% Whole Wheat tortillas. TIP: plain greek yogurt works well as a sour cream.

Even left overs from your dinner the night before can make a great lunch. If you’re not big on lunch, try a snack like grapes, carrots, and a boiled egg. Out with friends? Look for options that include vegetables on the menu, ask how it’s cooked, and make your best selection. The key is planning ahead, and keep it interesting for yourself! Pack something you will be excited to eat, and the less healthy options will become less tempting. Happy Lunching!


–Clarissa Espinoza

BC Nutrition Coach


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