Snack Time

Snack Time:

It is possible to make snacks both healthy and convenient! My Fitness Pal posted an article that has a few simple snacks you can put together for a  lunch, or have as a mini-meal, and I have a few of these on regular rotation myself. When I saw it, I knew I had to share. To go to the article click here! Whether you need to grab something quick on-the-go, or a fill-in to hold you over until dinner time, here are a few snacks that I like to keep handy in case of emergencies!


  • Fruits and Veggies. Why complicate things, when they don’t need to be? You can’t go wrong with fruits and vegetables as a snack. These will also get you micronutrients you want, and are healthy carbs to work into your diet. Remember, as a good rule of thumb, you should always be having more vegetables than you do fruit. While fruit sugar is healthier than processed sugar, you still shouldn’t have too much! Carrots and celery are two easy favorites. If I’m feeling like I want a little more flavor, I also love cucumbers in lemon juice! Fruits easy on the go can be bananas, apples, and strawberries!


  • Yogurt. Siggi’s yogurt is one of my favorite options! The consistency is a little more thick than your regular yogurt, (which is big for me because I’m a texture person) I get strawberry, but they have many different flavors. These are a little over a dollar, but have minimal ingredients and the macros are as follows: Carbs 14, Protein 15, Fat 0. Macros vary on flavor, but overall, this 5 ingredient yogurt is a great option! I raved about the HEB brand of greek yogurt in one of my earlier posts. Those are less than a dollar for the single serving cups, and are also a great option for on-the-go. Eat alone, or pair with nuts and you are set!




  • Bars. I, myself usually have to be cautious with bars! I love them so much I tend to just replace my meals with bars if I’m not careful. They are so convenient and easy, but have their time and place. I know lots of people like the Quest bars that are packed with protein at 20 grams each, but I’m not the biggest fan (for both taste and ingredients). If you are looking for a carb-dense bar, I would suggest Clif bars as they usually have over 40 grams. I prefer my snacks to be well-balanced, so the Oatmega (top) has become one of my newest favorites! With 22g of Carbs, 14g of Protein, 7g of Fat, and minimally processed ingredients, I can’t believe I didn’t find this sooner! The Lara Bar (bottom) has been one of my favorites before macro-counting. It is date-based and only has 4 ingredients. You can find these 4/$5 at HEB. SCORE.


These are just a few that I think you guys might like. With macro-counting it can be pretty hard finding something that will work with your numbers. Other things I would suggest would be; popcorn (plain, not buttered, try sea salt) this is a light option that you can have in high volume, Munch a Lot trail mix (bulk section of HEB) is another one I love, but be sure to measure it out before eating. I hope you all get a chance to try some of these out, and happy snacking!


–Clarissa Espinoza

BC Nutrition Coach


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