March Athlete of the Month

aimee iron man

Aimee Ventura

My fitness journey began about two years ago when I was 41.  I had started running long distances and had always played soccer, but I always used that as an excuse to eat all kinds of unhealthy food.  It seemed that I was always on a diet, constantly monitoring calories, weighing, binge eating, and just one fad diet after another, just trying to find a quick fix to lose weight.  My weight fluctuated up and down, I would lose the weight then gain it right back. I finally changed my mindset to just get fit and healthy.  I started working out with a personal trainer named Amber Gregory at Anytime Fitness in Red Oak, who showed me some tough love and help me realize food was fuel for my body.  I was with her for 6 months and she helped me get my mind right about food and exercise.

I had started training for a marathon with Dallas Running Club, when I met a wonderful person named Elisabeth Pearson, who told me about this Women’s only Crossfit group that worked out together in the evenings and she invited me to join them.  I took her up on the offer, which was one of the best decisions I ever made for myself.  I felt like I was in pretty good shape, but Crossfit just pushed me into another level of fitness.  I never knew I could be so strong, build so much muscle, and just feel as good as I do now.

I actually have people who tell me they want to have a body like mine and that is something I would never have imagined hearing someone say to me.  I love that other people have come to try Crossfit because they have seen the results I achieved from it.  Since joining, I have competed in 2 competitions, completed a Half-Ironman, and ran the Baton Rouge Marathon.  I leave every workout feeling great. Buffalo Creek Crossfit has been a great community to become a part of, once you start working out in this community, you feel like you can accomplish anything you set your mind to do, and all the people you workout with will be there supporting you every step of the way. 

aimee before  aimee deadlift