Keep Being Awesome BCCF!


We, the coaches at BCCF, want to recognize you, our members, for being AWESOME! Let’s look at some key points:

  • BCCF became an affiliate only a couple days prior to the CF Open & had 15 members sign up. Most of you were competing in the Open for the first time. You all put in some hard work & did great. We saw a LOT of Firsts & PR’s. But, most importantly, you believed in yourself!!!!
  • BCCF had several athletes take part in the TIR relay – 200 miles from Gonzales to Houston. Swole Sisters finished strong! This type of event was a first for the majority of the team.
  • BCCF had 11 athletes sign up for its first competition a month after the doors opened. We had the most athletes from an affiliate participating in the competition, we dominated the final WOD, & we brought home 2nd place.
  • BCCF joined forces with other CrossFit boxes and helped raise over $300 for Suicide Awareness.

Most importantly, we want to celebrate you for all your hard work not only at the gym but also at home. Several of you have recently experienced some life difficulties & have managed to dig deep, keep your head above water, & push thru. I believe that BCCF  has provided most of you with the concept that when life gets tough, you don’t give up. You keep moving to the finish. BCCF is a family & we are here for you! Whether that is to help you reach optimal health, lose weight, become a better runner or stronger athlete, stress relief to a busy life, coach, friend, etc…. the list could go on and on. We are proud of You!!

Keep Being Awesome BCCF!!!!

BCCF cake