BCCF Monthly Rundown

May 2015

BCCF wellness image

May 4-June 2nd : BCCF Wellness Challenge

  • Measurements, Pictures, & Challenge WOD need to be complete by the end of this week
  • Remember to log in your food daily via wodify.
  • Follow Whole 30 Guidelines
  • Come to WOD regularly!!!
  • Keep in touch with your accountability Partner!
  • All details posted here


happy mom day

Saturday May 9th: Free Trial / CrossFit Class at 9a & 10a

  • It is Mother’s Day weekend. Take advantage of this opportunity & bring your mom in for an awesome workout. Great way to spend the morning by developing a healthy lifestyle together. Then, treat her to a healthy meal afterwards!


cf regionals

Friday- Sunday May 15-17th: South CF Regionals in Dallas

  • Several of us have bought tickets for Saturday & others have bought 3 day passes. We will post more details next week on our BCCF facebook page. We plan on carpooling to the venue and going out to eat Saturday night! Mark your calendar for some box fun. Great opportunity to get to know one another & hang out.
  • Click here to buy your tickets.


murph challenge

Monday, May 25th : The Murph Challenge

  • BCCF is an official host for the 2015 Murph Challenge. The Murph Challenge is the Official Forged® annual fundraiser, benefiting the LT. Michael P. Murphy Memorial Scholarship Foundation.
  • Once you register, you will not only be pledging to participate in the Crossfit Hero WOD ‘MURPH’ (originally named ‘Body Armor’), you will also be joining a unique group of Americans who pay tribute to LT. Michael P. Murphy (SEAL), and donating to a prestigious organization founded by the Murphy family.Beginning on Memorial Day, each registrant will be asked to come back to TheMurphChallenge.com and submit their ‘MURPH’ time to compare their achievement with other participants throughout the US. All times submitted will be displayed on a National leaderboard at TheMurphChallenge.com. From that board, the top 5 Men and top 5 Women will be recognized for their efforts.The ’MURPH’ is more than just a workout, it is an event that helps push us, humble us, and dedicate a bit of pain and sweat for those who have given so much! Are YOU up for the Challenge?
  • BCCF will be open from 6-8am for you to get warmed up & complete the WOD. This WOD usually takes anywhere from 45-80min so plan appropriately. Click here to register.


nt throwdown

May 30th: North Texas Throwdown Competition

  • Codi-Brooke is competing & several of us will be carpooling to the event to cheer her on! Join us!


*** We have several events going on in June. Will release more details soon. In the meantime save these dates: June 3th – Totally 80’s Crippler Competition in Mansfield, June 20th – BCCF Grand Opening, June 27th – Competition at All or Nothing, & we will be planning a ladies night – WOD & Wine & a scrapbooking extravaganza to make Father’s Day gifts!!!