Buffalo Creek CrossFit – CrossFit


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Partner AMRAP 25 Minutes

@1015 minute marks both teammates run 400m

The athlete that begins the 20 reps must complete the 20 reps and you must switch each exercise.

Example Round 1 – Partner 1 does wallball, situps, Pullups, squats and Partner 2 does KB Swings, jumping lunges, ring dips. Round 2 would then switch with partner 2 starting with the wallball etc…

20 Wall-ball (20/14) – Target

20 KB Swings (53/35)

20 Sit-ups

20 Jumping Lunges

20 Pull-ups

20 Ring Dips/Box Dips

20 Squats


Airrosti Foam Rolling at 10am & yoga at 11a

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