BCCF Athlete Highlight: Jack Burns


Have you always been into sports? If so, what did you play, events you have done, fitness routines you ha e tried?

I played football in high school, that’s about it.  Always been pretty active. I did Camp Gladiator for a year and a half and love it. I leaned out and got in great shape, but never really got the strength I was looking for. I found that strength in BCCF.

What is your Biggest CrossFit accomplishment?

Doing stuff like strict pull-ups with ease or handstand push ups. I never thought I would be able to do something like that. 

What is your CrossFit goal for the future?

I always thought the muscle up looked like a lot of fun. That is one I am chasing right now. I know it takes time and hard work like the handstand push up did.

Favorite past time:

I am a sports fanatic. Baseball,  basketball or football in into it. If you ask Vicky, too into it sometimes.

Favorite cheat meal:

Gotta be a big Whataburger double.  Doesn’t help there is one between the box and my house.

What would you tell someone who is scared to try CF:

That they come to a Saturday workout and see how fun it is. Then get them into the On Ramp classes. They are a great eye opening experiences. I was scared when I started because I have always been the skinny kid and not strong at all. Once you get out of your comfort zone,  you realize how everyone pushes you to the end and everyone treats you like family. 

Anything Else?

I gotta say the past 4 months of doing CrossFit at BCCF really has changed the way I go about my life. Doing the 30 day challenge and realizing it IS all about what you put in your body. It all came at the perfect time. Right after the 30 challenge I was diagnosed with Chrones disease. So the 30 challenge taught me discipline to eat the right foods. So for me, it’s not just 30 days. I really have to watch everything I eat from here on out. So you could say BCCF has changed my life in an AWESOME way, physically and mostly mentally for the rest of my life! Thank you Kelly, Daniel and Josh for all you do!


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