Athlete Highlight: Steve Reyes

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Have you always been into sports? If so, what did you play, events you have played, fitness routines you have tried?

I’ve always played sports. In high school, football and baseball and a bit of both football and rugby in college. I was always overweight for most of my life right up until my senior year of high school I fell in love with running. I dropped almost 60lbs by running about 5 miles a day. After that, embarrassed that I couldn’t bench not even 225 I started lifting religiously. So I’ve done the strictly cardio route and the regular weight training routine before CrossFit.

Biggest CF Accomplishment?

I haven’t really acconplimished any big time goals yet. I’ve barely been CrossFitting for over a year and a half so other than just getting stronger, more gymnasts and pushing myself daily I haven’t set any competitive goals other than numbers on the barbell.

CF Goal for the Future?

Muscle ups, a 315 clean and jerk and a 275 snatch are what I’m chasing right now. And hopefully to be a regular competitor on a rx level.

Favortie Past time?

Being a kid without a worry in the world!

Favorite Cheat Meal?

Probably pizza, Sam’s pizza from Cedar Hill to be specific. Oh and craft beers, I’m a sucker for local brews.

What would I tell someone who is scared to try CrossFit?

Not to be afraid, it’s amazing what the body can do. The best thing you can do is dive right in and have faith in yourself. It’s going to be new, scary and crazy but it’s definitely worth it.

It’s crazy the atmosphere at BCCF, the people, the programming have really made me fall head over heels again for everthing CrossFit related. I feel stronger in these past 6 weeks than I have in the past year!!!
