Athlete Highlight: Misty Harrington (aka ‘Chicken’)


Have you always been into sports? If so what did you play. Events you done. Fitness routines you have tried?

When I was in school I played softball wasn’t that into it at all, I never really got into working out until my son was like 7 or so. My workout was only walking and running a little bit here and there and we skied every winter thanks to my wonderful husband who always worked out and was good at everything he did. I’m a big chicken when it comes to stepping out of my comfort zone. I just wasn’t into it working out at all I thought I would always stay skinny but then menopause set in and then my body started to change. I started gaining weight I was like I have to something now or just keep getting bigger and be miserable. So I joined a local gym and had a personal trainer who killed me he did help me get out of my comfort zone and started lift weights. I kept asking him are you sure I’m not going to look like a bulky man? He said no your going to be stronger. After doing the gym thing for about a year with him I really dreaded going to the gym. I didn’t like doing the circuit system, arms on Monday legs on Tuesday ect. I was in a rut So I quite. So one day I signed up for a mud run with the encouragement from a friend, I was like girl I’m out of shape and I can’t do the obstacles there is no way I don’t want to slow you down so she signed me up anyway. I so was scared I didn’t want to quite in the middle of the ran and look like a fool so told myself it’s do or die time when I crossed the finish line I was like OMG I just did the mudrundfw and I felt amazing I DID IT I finished this brutal course. I signed up for 4 more after that Loved all of them… I think that’s what got me back into fitness again and the help of my friends and feeling like I could anything… One day I was looking for a Bootcamp I found one close to home and talked my friend into going with me. So we went to Bootcamp and boy this was totally freaking us out, jumping on boxes and wall balls and free lbs and the this round thingy they called a kettlebell and oh The dreaded burpees. I was like whoa this is crazy I wanted to run to the car and leave. I stayed and I have never ever been so sore in my life I stuck it, then our Coach at the time said you have to try CrossFit I was like ummmmm No I can’t do that, I can’t do all that stuff that they are doing I was so scared to death. So I finally said yes BOY am I glad I did it has changed my life finally I can do things that I’ve never done in my entire life. I started CrossFit when I turned like 45 I loved Everything about CF I lived and breathed CF which drove my hubby crazy at the time this was all new to him at the time..But he saw the changes in myself and my body and was so happy. I loved all the support from everybody they were not only my friends but I thought of them as my family. That’s when I met Trisha Berry aka (T) and Bethany Soderquist aka (B) and Josh Harper they pushed me everyday. Then I got hurt deadlifting and I was out for a long time. Everybody knows once you stop going to CF it’s so hard to go back. I was away for about 2 years and gained all my lbs back and lost all my muscle. I was so miserable so I started walking and riding my bike and started to add more stuff in and was getting back on track again. Then one day I ran into Kelly Rozier and she said I’m opening up a box come see us, I was like ok I just might. Then everything changed I was reconnected with T, B and Kelly and Josh again. I started out slow I’m freaking 50 people so I didn’t know how my old butt was going to hold up. I ask the girls can I get my muscles back at this age? The girls were like oh yeah it’s going to be fine and you’ll get your muscle back. I have a whole different mind set now and I know I can do anything I’m not so sacred and I’ve been doing PR’S on lifts that I’ve never made before. I feel amazing and l Love Buffalo Creek CrossFit family so much! So watch out Chicken is back and I’m so ready for anything. Oh btw I still have a Love/hate relationship with running and burpees

Biggest CF Accomplishment?

I’ve ran in some 5K and making better times ever time I do one. I’m making more PR’S and never ever felt so good.

CF goal for the future?

Getting those dang double unders
And Kipping pull ups and do my toes to bar without stopping every time.

Favorite Past time?

Hanging out with my best friend the love of my life my sweet husband who puts up with all my CF talk and also Spending time with my wonderful handsome son when he’s in town. I love Drinking good wine with my girls and just living life to the fullest.

Favorite cheat meal?

Anything sweet

 What would you tell someone who is scared to try CrossFit?

I would have to say and I have ALREADY said to many of my friends that it will change your life it will make you feel better about yourself and take you out of your comfort zone. All you got to do is walk in the door and you’ll be hooked.

We have wonderful skilled and awesome coaches that will be with you every step of the way to help with your technique and new stuff that you’ve have never done and that will transform your body, mind, and bring you back to the healthy side again.

You won’t go to a “Regular” gym again we have the most outstanding support system and oh the encouragement and the hugs and way to Go YOU DID IT! You’ll go home feeling so good about yourself that you’ll have to brag on Facebook

Loves BCCF

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