Athlete Spotlight: John Zabojnik

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Have you always been into sports? If so, what did you play? Events you’ve done? Fitness routines you’ve tried?

For the most part yes, I’ve always been into sports. I played baseball in high school and college but that ended suddenly with a knee injury. THEN life happened. Fast forward to 2010, I’m 38 years old, about 30 lbs over weight, my wife was pregnant with my daughter, and I’m lying on the operating table about to have back surgery.  I remember thinking that something had to change because I felt miserable….I wasn’t “me”, and I didn’t want to be “that” Dad to my daughter.  It took me about 8-10 months after the surgery to get any sort of confidence back in doing strenuous activities.  Then one day while watching TV, I saw the Insanity video commercial so I ordered it. That’s pretty much what kick started everything for me. I did the videos for several months and saw some great results. I lost the extra weight and felt really good but eventually got burned out on them as they are not sustainable.  Several months later, I got suckered into signing up to ride in the MS150 bike ride. I didn’t even own a bicycle and hadn’t ridden one in years! I borrowed a friend’s road bike, bought the silly spandex shorts, helmet, and shoes….the rest is history. I rode the MS150 and had a blast! Later that summer while riding in my first Hotter’n Hell Hundred, I had a life changing experience during the ride that compelled me to go straight home and sign up for the 2014 Ironman Texas triathlon. I wish everyone could experience an Ironman race at least once. You will not be the same person that you were when you started the journey months before.  As far as running goes, I’ve never been a good runner.  Other than the videos a few years ago, I had never done any strength training before discovering  the Endurance Cross Fit program at BCCF.

Events I’ve done: 3 x MS150, 3 x Hotter’n Hell, 2 x Ironman Texas finisher, Dallas Marathon, several half marathons, multiple century rides, bike rallies, and triathlons.

Biggest CF Accomplishment?

I’ve only been doing CF a few months but recently PR’d a 5k with a 6:49/mile pace and also a 10k with a 7:25/mile pace.  I’ve never been able to run that fast…even as a kid. I can tell a huge difference on the bike as well, especially on the hills.

CF goals for the future?

I just want to continue to get stronger/faster and incorporate CF into my training regimen for the 2016 Ironman Cozumel and triathlon season.  A sub 4 hour marathon would be nice too.

Favorite Past Time?

Spending time with my daughter, camping, hunting,  cooking, eating, and of course riding my bike.  I hate watching TV…can’t sit still long enough!

Favorite Cheat Meal?

Hands down….Mexican food or Babe’s Chicken.

What would you tell someone who is scared to try crossfit?

There are a lot of misconceptions out there about CF. I for one, was one of the naysayers!  I’ve already told and will continue to tell people that BCCF is different. Just try it. The coaches are knowledgeable, friendly, and very skilled at what they do….and it’s fun!  It’s very inspiring to see people of all shapes and sizes working so hard at the gym.  I’m 43 years old and in the best shape of my life…and still getting better every day!

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