Nutrition Tidbit Tuesday: The Metabolic Power of Quality

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The biggest and most urgent nutritional question of our time – “What should I eat?” – happens to have the greatest assortment of confusing and contradictory answers. If you asked me “What’s the one simple nutritional strategy that could give me the biggest bang for my metabolic buck, improve my health and weight more than any other change, and make a positive impact on the lives of others and the Earth itself?” here is the guideline I’d urge you to follow:

Elevate the quality of your food.

It is NOT about following the newest fad diet or taking some magic diet pill. Quality is everything. Quality means any or all of the following: real, fresh, organic, gourmet, lovingly, crafted, homemade, locally produced, heirloom varieties, nutrient dense, low in human made toxins, grown and marketed with honesty and integrity, tasteful, filled with natural flavor, etc. Quality means that care and consciousness permeate a food, and that the food itself has a good story to tell. Quality = Real Food.

The problem with overeating in our nation is not that we have a willpower disorder. Yes, many of us eat too much. But we do so, to a great degree, because our food is nutrient deficient. It lacks the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and all the undiscovered x-factors and energies we require. The brain senses these deficiencies and wisely responds to this absence of vital chemistry by commanding us to undertake the most sensible strategy: eat more food. If a movie you attended lacked substance, you’d walk away feeling unfulfilled and wanting more. It is the same with food.

By choosing real food, your diet becomes more nutrient dense.

The true worth of a food will never be discerned from a food label. Its real value is in the energy and information it contains. Yes, that includes vitamin, mineral, protein, fiber, and fat content. But it also means how the food is grown, handled, transported, manufactured, advertised, cooked, served, and eaten.

Over the next few weeks we will look at limiting the anti-nutrients in the diet. The most potent anti-nutrients are:

  • Poor Quality Fats
  • Poor Quality Sugars
  • Poor Quality White Flour
  • Poor Quality Dairy
  • Poor Quality Meats

So, stop worrying about calories, % of macros, fad diets, magic pills, etc. Your task this week is to step back and take a look at what you are eating. Is it quality real food? Start by limiting the amount of processed food you eat daily & get ready to clean out your fridge/pantry as we discuss food quality in detail in the upcoming weeks!
