The Road to Healthy

The Road to Healthy


Today I wanted to touch on what the road to healthy looks like. No doubt it can be confusing journey to find the right “diet,” figure out what’s “healthy,” or how you can lose weight the fastest. There are so many different pills, shakes, and supplements out there that just leave you lost and wondering where to start. Although the road to healthy may not be an easy one; it may also not be as hard as you think.


    1. There is NO “instant result” or “magic pill.” You may have heard this before, but I will say it again. If you are buying something for an easy fix, it is likely not going to last. You can’t juice for your entire life because, believe it or not, your intestines are there for a reason and are used to digest food. You can’t cut out carbs for your entire life, because that is your body’s main source of energy. You shouldn’t really trust any diet pill out there, because they are not tested before placed on the market. There are no shortcuts. Take the time and do the work. One meal does not make you unhealthy, and one meal will not make you healthy either. If done right, it actually does not take as long as you might think. You can likely start seeing and feeling the difference anywhere from two to four weeks. The trick is, you can also see them reverse in two to four weeks. Consistency is key.
    2. Supplements are meant to SUPPLEMENT your diet. Diet is defined as the food consumed by an organism. Supplement is defined as something that enhances something else when added to it. They are not the end-all-be-all of nutrition, but they do have their place. You likely do not need them unless you are on a strict routine or require special needs for your training. If you are just an average joe (like me) whole foods, vitamins, and the occasional recovery protein will suffice. If you feel you are needing more than the average, get with your nutrition coach to talk about some next steps! 
    3. “Eating healthy doesn’t taste good,” is one of the main places people reach a fork in the road (pun intended). Eating healthy isn’t fun when you’re out with friends, a side of vegetables isn’t as good as fries, and it takes too much time to eat healthy. I can sympathize with all of these excuses, and sometimes, you just don’t know what a healthier option can be. Whole foods that can either be grown or killed with minimal ingredients added is your best bet. It will take time for your taste buds to adjust (but you get new taste buds every two weeks)! When you are used to foods containing high sodium, and high fat, other foods will taste plain and flavorless in comparison. However, you can almost always find a healthy alternative when going out. Lots of restaurants are hopping on the health train and offering low calorie or low sodium options. If you are looking for convenience, try grilled chicken instead of a burger, or Chipotle instead of Taco Bell. In the long run, it is cheaper and more convenient to grocery shop and find recipes you like. Try cooking with herbs and spices rather than salt (which you don’t have to omit completely) and watch for sodium content in your seasonings. Try flexible dieting if you don’t feel you can quit cold turkey, but work some veggies in there!


Find where your priorities are. How important is your health to you and why? Find a way to remind yourself of this when you feel like quitting. If you have time to binge watch a show on Netflix, you likely have time to meal prep (or do both at the same time). If you’re making dinner, make extra for your lunch. Focus on what you CAN have versus what you CAN’T have. I encourage you to look in the mirror and love the person you see; know that you are trying your best, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you mess up every once in awhile. We are only humans!

–Clarissa Espinoza

BC Nutrition Coach


*If you are interested in nutrition coaching through BC Nutrition contact [email protected] or sign up at BC Nutrition to get started! only $50/month for a limited time!