New Year, New Perspective

New Year, New Perspective

I have heard the New Year, New You motto so much my ears could bleed. No matter the year, every day offers a new beginning. Every sunrise suggests new possibilities, and every sunset provides a conclusion to what we have accomplished, or a time of rest to accept our defeat. If you have made a New Year’s resolution, create one to treat every day as if it were a New Year; a clean slate for new beginnings with equal amounts of ambition and motivation.


Many of you likely dropped off your routines these past few weeks (or month). With odd hours off of work, family traveling in, or you traveling out, it is likely you struggled to find time for working out in between all that eating! And nothing’s better than the way momma makes it right? This is completely normal! Everyone gains about five pounds around this time of year, but the key is to not let it get out of your control.


This does not require you to go from one extreme to another. Don’t be too hard on yourself going into 2018. Try creating realistic and specific goals for yourself. Write them down where you can see them and apply them to your life. Rather than saying, “exercise more” try putting it this way: “Exercise for 1 hour, 3 times a week.” Your daily reminders don’t have to be complicated, or even health related. A simple smile today or say three positive things about yourself aloud will do. Begin making small changes, and they will add up to big results. Sometimes you just have to take it day by day; not knowing if you can follow through until the end, but knowing you are able to persevere just a little longer and take one more step. Instead of thinking how far away the end is, think of how proud your future-self would be of you right now.


Why not be the person you want? Not because you think you should, or because you feel insecure, but because you have the drive to be the best version of you!


“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Suess


–Clarissa Espinoza

BC Nutrition Coach


*If you are interested in nutrition coaching through BC Nutrition contact [email protected] or sign up at BC Nutrition to get started! only $50/month for a limited time!