Happy National Nutrition Month!

Happy National Nutrition Month!


Happy National Nutrition Month! That’s right (it’s a real thing), a whole month dedicated to nutrition and celebrated by foodies across the nation; all the more reason to get your nutrition on track!

Here is a small tid-bit from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics to give you an insight on what it’s all about: “Go Further with Food” is the theme for 2018, and its importance is timely for many reasons. Whether it’s starting the day off right with a healthy breakfast or fueling before an athletic event, the foods you choose can make a difference. Preparing foods to go further at home and within the community can have a positive impact, as well. As nutrition experts, Academy members can help people adopt healthier eating styles, while reducing food loss and waste.


If you ever feel like getting some simple tips or reading a up on nutrition to feed that nutrition-knowledge-itch I know you all get (I know I do 😉) www.eatright.org is a great resource. This site is open to the public and is a reliable source for nutrition information. I encourage everyone to check it out!


In the spirit of going further with food, I wanted to throw out some tips on foods you can have LOTS of without sacrificing your macros. High volume, low macros. Stretching that macro-dollar if you will.


  •  Popcorn: If you have a popcorn machine at home, great. If you don’t, I suggest you invest in one. Popcorn is a great movie snack if air popped and plain (resist adding butter). Just throw a little sea salt on top, and it’s a great alternative crunchy snack to chips! It even has a little fiber.
  •  Vegetables: Obviously, veggies! Add them wherever you can and lots of them. Be sure they are not starchy-vegetables (i.e. corn, potatoes, peas) as these can provide more carbs. Replacing regular noodles with spaghetti squash, or zucchini noodles. Getting your leafy greens in there; spinach, kale, arugula. Maybe carrots, celery, broccoli, and cauliflower with fat free ranch?
  •  Shirataki noodles: This Japanese “miracle” noodle has no calories, just fiber! Great if you are close to going over for the day. Just cook, season, and pair with your favorite protein.


  •  Rice cakes: A great alternative to bread if you are wanting something toast-like in the morning, replace your bagel with a rice cake. Or just have as a mid-day snack with jelly or just plain. Different flavors will have different macros, so check your nutrition labels people.


  •  Sugar Free Jello: I’m not a huge fan of Jello, but if you are having a sweet tooth, this could crush your craving!


  •  Fruit: Blueberries. Blackberries. Raspberries.


  •  Water: ZERO CALORIES! In all seriousness, try drinking a cup of water before you eat. Our bodies are able to retain water from the foods we eat, and sometimes you may just be dehydrated and not hungry!


Hopefully these are helpful to you, and if you have any tips on going further with food, post them to the BC Nutrition Members Page!


-Clarissa Espinoza


–Clarissa Espinoza

BC Nutrition Coach


*If you are interested in nutrition coaching through BC Nutrition contact [email protected] or sign up at BC Nutrition to get started! only $75/month!