BCCF Wellness Challenge was a Success!

BCCF began a Wellness Challenge May 4th & had over 90% of the gym members sign up. It was not your usual weight loss challenge. Instead, it was designed in a way to develp healthy eating habits, replace fat with muscle, improve fitness, & encourage life-long success. The challenge was centered around eating real food…….some followed a Whole 30 protocol & others worked on cutting out sugar or processed foods from their diet. The challenge also focused on promoting exercise – both in and outside the gym. We were not concerned with how much weight one lost but rather the % of body fat. We also measured strength & cardiovascular endurance pre & post challenge in order to test for improvement in one’s overall fitness.

All of the participants worked extremely hard showing dramatic improvements. Help us congratulate our top finalists…………

Male Wellness Challenge Winners

1st Place – Jack Burns

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“The way I see it, I’ve already won!” Winners had not been announced at this time. Jack said, “I have already received so many changes that I have already won with life..”


2nd Place – Jay Rodgers

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“When I started this 30 day Challenge, I really did not know what to expect but between the change in eating habits and the CrossFit workouts, I saw a drop in weight but more importantly a loss in inches everywhere. Great program with awesome instructors Kelly, Daniel, & Josh!”

Female Wellness Challenge Winners

1st Place – Christine Grieser

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“30 days of clean eating & working out hard at BCCF has made a BIG difference in my life. I feel like a million bucks and I’m getting stronger which is what I have been trying to do for quite a while now. Seeing my results the other day was awesome. It has motivated me to stick with this healthy lifestyle!! I am so blessed to have such great support from my friens, family, & coaches. I love them all!”


2nd Place – TIE!!!

Vicky Burns

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“So many great things to say about the Wellness Challenge….One, I really needed to get out of my plateau I was in. Two, I loved the encouragement going through the gym. And, Thank goodness for my accountability partner – my husband,  the gym family pushing each other thru BCCF’s programming, & Brooke Forner’s Paleo Provision (ready-to-eat real food meals) for coming into my life. By changing my eating, I accomplished lots of inches lost & muslce gained. Lipo & a tummy tuck would have been easier but what kind of life-long reward is that?! My challenge does not stop here. Can’t wait to see what the next 30 days will do to my body!!!”


Trisha “T” Berry

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“In 30 days I lost 16 pounds, 10 inches, & my must have desire for wine. I was reminded just how good it feels to eat real food and to break the cycle of the Sugar Monster I created. The support provided to me through my accountability partner helped me push through some tough days & social situations. I am thankful for this challenge and the programming that got me to this place. There is still lots of work to be done but I’m happy it is in a place that provides me with the support I need!”


All of our participants showed amazing results. Be on the lookout for more posts about their Wellness Challenge journey as well!!!