The Community of BCCF

BCCF is more than a workout facility; we are a community, We are family!

At BCCF, everyone knows everyone by their first and last name. You know what they do. You know their hopes and their dreams and everything about them, and it really makes for a much more supportive atmosphere.

Inside our walls, you will meet some of the most amazing people you will every know and may have never had the opportunity to meet otherwise. The community aspect of CrossFit is what motivates us and keeps us coming back day after day. People from all walks of life call BCCF home. Firefighters, military, students, nurses, soccer moms, teachers, real estate agents, Husbands/Wives, runners, cyclists, power athletes, and grandparetns (amongst others) WOD at BCCF on a daily basis.

BCCF is a family affair. We bring our at-home family with us to interact with our gym family. It is not unusual to see kids stretching alongside their parents after a difficult WOD. It is also not unusual to see members sitting around the kitchen table chatting after class, while their kids ride bikes or play on the swing set in the backyard. We encourage family interaction through fitness.

We work hard and we play harder. We suppport each other and we push each other to achieve things we never thought possible. This is not a gym where you are just a number and no one knows your name. The people here genuinely care about each other. Yes, you’ll get a great workout at BCCF…..but, your new friends will help you take your fitness to the next level & help you tackle all struggles in life. Guranteed!

Below is a glimpse of what the community at BCCF is all about. In this video, you will see a great community but you may not see all the details & awesomeness that I see and know… Such as:

  • Friends cheering each other on to finish a WOD
  • On-Ramp graduates becoming friends
  • WRC Tri Athlete training for his Full Ironman
  • Husband & Wife changing their lives together
  • Stay-at-home mom working out while her child watches
  • Pregnant Woman training for her special delivery
  • Student chasing her dreams of becoming a nurse
  • Father encouraging his family to become healthier while cheering on his sons during every WOD
  • Firefighters becoming more fit so that they can help save more lives & still make it home safely to their families.
  • Teachers sharing stories & bonding, especially around that stressful, dreaded STAR testing month
  • Local gym owner & athletes from the surrounding area supporting BCCF & working together as friends
  • Grandparetns becoming fit so they can move better & play with their grandkids longer.
  • Athletes getting a PR on a lift they thought was impossible.
  • Athletes using CrossFit to make them a better runner or cyclist
  • “Everyday” people struggling to find themselves again…….to find that person they used to be…… to find that balance between family, life, food, exercise, & body image, & to become the best person they can be
  • Coaches who genuinely care about every member.

We welcome you to join our family!
