BCCF Athlete Highlight: Cindy Castillo


Cindy above attempting a 65lb Overhead Squat when she first started CrossFit at BCCF. Man…..has she come a long way!

How long have you been doing CrossFit?

I started crossfit in January this year so a little over 9 months.

What brought you to BCCF?

I started with Kelly’s women’s only class before BCCF and transitioned when they opened.

Have you always been into sports?

I’ve played soccer since I was 6 years old. I played through college, coached at UTD for 4 years and then played semi-pro soccer for a few years. I still play soccer and softball. I was never into “going to the gym”. I tried Camp Gladiator for a few sessions a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it but didn’t stick with it.

Biggest CrossFit accomplishment?

Completing a competition. Vicki Burns was gracious enough to be my partner in a comp in Mansfield and we placed 2nd.

CrossFit Goal for the future?

To get my first unassisted pull-up.

Favorite Past time?

Watching football. I started watching football with my dad when I was a little girl and have loved it ever since.

Favorite cheat meal?

Mexican food – chips and queso

What would you tell someone who is scared to try CrossFit?

It isn’t how you think it will be with everyone throwing around 300 pounds and getting pull-ups their first time at trying. Everything is scaled and by taking on-ramp classes you will be able to learn what is needed to accomplish what you are comfortable with to get yourself healthy. You will always have a love/hate relationship with the hard movements but those are the ones that will make you the proudest.

“BCCF has made it easy to feel included and they truly care about every individual that visits their box.”


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Cindy recently completed her first Sprint Triathlon & placed First in the Women Division!

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