Thanksgiving Grace – 8am

Buffalo Creek CrossFit –  Thanksgiving WOD-8am

Grace (Time)

For Time:
30 Clean and Jerks, 135# / 95#




CrossFit Endurance Thanksgiving WOD – The Gobbler -6am

Metcon (Time)

for time w/ partner

Run 200m (together)

100 DUs / 300 Singles

Run 200m

100 Sit-ups

Run 200m

100 pull-ups

Run 200m

100 Wall Balls 20/14

Run 200m

100 Burpees

Run 200m

100 KB swings 53/35

Run 200m

100 sec plank hold

Run 200m

100 K2E



We have two WODS this morning. We would love to see you come for 1 or for both. Start Thanksgiving off right with a good workout. Be thankful for your health. BCCF is blessed and thankful for our members. YOU are what makes our community what it is!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!
