BCCF Christmas Party & Angel Tree


Ok Athletes, it’s time to start getting into that holiday mood, and no better way to get it going than with the announcement of the 1st BCCF Christmas party!!! YES!!!!!

Here are the details:

Date: December 18th (Friday)

Time: 6pm until……..

Location: Rhonda’s Home – 212 Katy Lake Drive, Waxahachie

Attire: Casual with……. THE UGLIEST SWEATER YOU CAN FIND! That’s right, it’s time for the traditional ugly christmas sweater contest. As long as your sweater doesn’t physically harm anyone, everything else is fair game! We’ll vote for a winner.


Food: BCCF will provide the meat. Please bring a side dish or dessert to share with everyone. BYOB as well. RSVP to kelly at [email protected] so that we know how many people to expect and feed.

Angel Tree: Christmas is about giving…..Help us share some Holiday Cheer! BCCF has adopted a few families in need of help this Christmas season. An Angel tree will be set up this coming week at the box. Please take time to check it out and if you desire to help, choose an angel from the tree. Please inform the coaches which Angel you choose so that we can mark it off of our main list. We would like to have these gifts by December 11th so that they can be delivered on time. Just wrap your item and place under the tree. We thank you for your generosity and helping us bless these families this Holiday season!



We will post Holiday Hours soon. Will have a 12 Days of Christmas WOD morning of the 24th – More details coming soon!!!!