Buffalo Creek CrossFit – CrossFit

Class Priority = S + WOD

Competition = S + WOD + O

Extra = S1

Strength (S)

A1: Shoulder Press (3 x 3-4; rest :30)

A2: Bulgarian Split Squat (3 x 4-5 e/l; rest :60)

One foot back on bench while squatting on one leg to full depth


Metcon (Weight)


1- 7 Power Snatch (increase)

2- 20 Elevated Pushup (lvl=reg)(+=ring)

3- 10 OH Walking Lunge (lvl=plate)(rx=95/65)(+=135/95)

Olympic (O)

Snatch from Blocks at Power Position (EMOM 14; 2 Reps; increase)


Mobililty Monday – Tight Ankles or Tight Hips?

Athletes – is your squat suffering because of your tight hips or because of your tight ankles. The answer is it’s both obviously…But we can be a little more nuanced in our understanding. You could call this quick test a little differential diagnosis or advanced clinical reasoning. Either way, it’s based on actual movement and it’s in the language that you already speak (strength and conditioning).

Check out the video with K-Starr here.