Nutrition Tidbit Tuesday: CrossFit Fuel for the 2016 Open


How Nutrition Can Impact Your Performance in the 2016 Open

Whether or not you have participated in the open before, one element, good nutrition, remains critical for everyone who wants to achieve their peak performance and improve recovery following a workout. Nutrition can either enhance or hinder your performance. Even though Open workouts are typically just one workout per week, they should be treated like any other competition.

Here are some tips from your BCCF dietitian for getting the most out of your open workouts through proper nutrition.

Tip #1:

Make nutrition as much of a priority as workouts. People often put in a tremendous amount of time in the gym each week and spend a fraction of their time in the kitchen planning and meal prepping. You cannot out-train a poor diet! Emphasizing proper nutrition throughout the 5 week span can have a significant impact in one’s overall standing on the leaderboard.

  • Take time to grocery shop and to prepare the majority of what you eat at home. Fast food should be considered a last resort!
  • Plan meals and snacks ahead of time.
  • Aim for consistency each week, not perfection. 80/20 Rule!
  • If you really want to step-up your nutrition, try keeping a food journal for a few days or weeks to help you identify patterns or areas of improvement.
  • Eat frequently throughout the day to avoid getting too hungry and ultimately making poor decisions. Keep your blood sugar/insulin regulated!

Tip #2:

Promise me that you will NOT restrict carbohydrates on the day you intend to perform one of the Open workouts. Carbohydrates are not always bad. They are actually an athlete’s primary source of energy. That doesn’t mean eat junky carbohydrates like refined breads, cereals or sugar-sweetened beverages. Those will most likely work against you. Pay attention to the quality and timing of the carbohydrate. Choose easy to digest carbohydrates like fruit or starchy veggies (sweet potatoes, plantains), 100% whole grains, rice, etc. Quality, nutrient dense carbohydrates should be part of your pre-wod meal (2-3 hours prior) & post-wod meal.

Tip #3:

Hydrate. Drink water. Add lemon, lime or fruit for a little extra flavor if you’d like, but drink it all day, every day. Even slight dehydration can have a detrimental impact on performance.

Tip #4:

Eat as soon as possible post-workout even if it’s just 10g of protein and 10g of carbohydrates. Recovery does NOT begin until you eat post-workout. Refuel with a mixture of protein and carbohydrates (approx.15-30g protein and 45-75g carbohydrates). Nutrition can help start to repair damaged tissues, speed muscle repair, reduce inflammation, replenish glycogen stores, reduce core temperature and aid in rehydration (you rehydrate better if you eat protein and carbohydrates with fluids).

Here are some pre-post workout meal ideas for competition day. Remember, nothing new on competition day! The best pre/post workout meal is one that is well tolerated!

  • Sweet Potato Hash  + eggs
  • Steel Cut Oats + Almond milk + almond butter + fruit
  • Protein shake such as SFH Fuel, UCAN, etc
  • 100% whole wheat bagel w/ nut butter, banana, & honey
  • Turkey/ chicken/ salmon/ veggie burger sliders made w/sweet potato slices as buns
  • Chicken or fish with veggies and brown rice or quinoa


Now, who’s signing up for the 2016 Open?! It’s right around the corner!! Learn more about the Open. Click here or speak to a coach.


Contact BCCF’s Dietitian, Kelly, for questions or inquiries in regards to nutrition coaching.
